North East Connected

Housing Group Signs up 22,000 Tenants

Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 09.03.43Three County Durham landlords have completed their first major task since coming together as a group.

Dale & Valley Homes, Durham City Homes and East Durham Homes have collectively signed-up around 22,000 tenants to their new Tenancy Agreement since working in partnership as County Durham Housing Group.

This was the first major task for the local landlords since the transfer of ownership and management of around 18,500 homes from Durham County Council in April of this year.

Liz Bradley, Dale & Valley Homes Neighbourhood Services Team Leader, said: “This is a fantastic achievement in such a short space of time and everyone involved should be very proud.”

Mark Hopper, Durham City Homes Customer Service and Support Team Leader, continued: “By signing customers up face-to-face, it allowed us as a group to explain that key tenants’ rights have been protected, plus new rights introduced like the right not to have any changes to the Tenancy Agreement implemented without their approval.”

Julie Dower, Tenancy Support Manager from East Durham Homes, concluded: “We have also used the opportunity to inform customers of the benefits they can now look forward to as part of County Durham Housing Group, including around 700 new homes being built over the next seven years.”

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