• Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub


NEWCASTLE based Multi-lab, one of the leading High Purity Natural and Synthetic Quartz Glass distributors in Europe has reported impressive post-pandemic growth with an increase in turnover by nearly a quarter, alongside staff expansion and investment in key logistical developments.

The family business which has been established for over 38 years is celebrating high growth and strong recovery despite a dip in turnover in the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Multi-lab is a defining force in the sale and fabrication of quartz glass within the Semiconductor, Fibre Optic and Lighting industries and the company has an established and strong reputation in the industry amongst customers and industry peers.

Paul Jackman, Group Managing Director at Multi-lab said:

“We are delighted with the 2021 results despite a rocky 2020 which saw a dip in turnover and an increase in stockholding. 2021 has seen instrumental growth in turnover by 24.5%, and the results for 2022 are on an upward curve with us beating last year’s turnover month on month.

2022 looks very promising with further new contracts, the investment in staffing and the implementation of a new bespoke production planning system. Our new web shop for online supply is also currently under development and is due to launch at the backend of 2022.”

Having mastered the fabrication of high purity quartz glass with different fabrication methods, Multi-lab have built up a team of very experienced production personnel from specialist cutters to glassblowers who manufacture exceptional quality scientific and industrial Quartz glassware.

Collaboration and innovation have been a focal point of the growth trajectory and over the years with Multi-lab’s wealth of knowledge and investment the group have worked with many companies and supported them to push the boundaries of innovation from deep sea oil exploration to advancement of medical research.

Sedgefield-based Kromek Group are one of the companies that Multi-lab have a long standing and innovative working relationship with. The relationship developed when Multi-lab originally worked with Durham University in the 1980s, helping researchers to realise designs and ideas for ongoing experiments in crystal growth.

Kromek, formerly known as Durham Scientific Crystals, spun out from the university in 2003, and Multi-lab have continued to support the team aiding the design of futuristic technologies for crystal growth. It has taken years of research, fine-tuning and close collaboration between the two companies to deliver the very high-specification, high-quality quartz ware used in the crystal growth process at Kromek at very high temperatures over many days.

The cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) grown is the main component in the next generation of medical detection equipment, enabling better detection of diseases such as cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

Another company, Multi-lab work closely with is Carbolite Gero, a leading manufacturer of high temperature furnaces and ovens from 30°C to 3000°C with a focus on vacuum and special atmosphere technology. With more than 80 years of experience in thermal engineering their products are used in research laboratories, pilot plants and manufacturing sites worldwide.

Carbolite Gero have been a customer to Multi-lab for many years, over which time Multi-lab have supplied them with high quality quartz and ceramic materials which are used in the furnaces Carbolite Gero manufacture.  Again, Carbolite Gero’s customers have many different applications for these key materials, including those for the advancement of medical research.

Paul Jackman added:

“Key to our growth is the investment in building long-standing and innovative working relationships with our customers and partners. Kromek and Carbolite Gero are two strong examples of how collaborative insight has led to us working together in the supply chain of some of the most ground-breaking and instrumental components used in key industries in particular the advancement of medical research.

 Quality is at the forefront of our operations and our experience in distribution and fabrication technology are second to none, demonstrating our ability to maintain leadership by adapting constantly to the ever-changing needs of our customers.”

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