North East Connected

Internationally Celebrated Photographer to speak at College

Screen Shot 2016-01-19 at 16.13.18A prominent British photographer who has exhibited his works at acclaimed galleries worldwide such as the Centre Pompidou in Paris and The Progressive Art Collection in USA will be giving a presentation at a north east art and design college on his career and photographic style.

Dan Holdsworth, who has seen his large-scale photographs and digital art featured at the Saatchi Collection and Barbican Art Gallery, will be a guest speaker at a free event at Cleveland College of Art & Design (CCAD) in Hartlepool on Wednesday 27th January.

As well as exhibiting internationally at solo shows in Germany, Austria, Japan and Sweden; and group shows in Switzerland, Paris and New York, Dan’s work is also held at collections at the Victoria and Albert Museum and Tate Britain in London, as well as regionally in the Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art and the Laing Art Gallery in Newcastle.

At the college’s university-level campus in Hartlepool, Dan will give an open lecture on his career and photographic style, including use of traditional techniques and long exposure times. Having studied photography at the University of the Arts London, Dan has built an illustrious career, and will share his knowledge and techniques with photography degree students in a series of workshops prior to his lecture at 7pm.

As part of the event, which runs from 6pm until 8pm in the Art Café at the college in Church Square, guests can enjoy a buffet with free refreshments and an opportunity to network before the presentation. With a limited number of spaces, bookings for this free event are advised as soon as possible to ensure availability and can be made at

Pat Chapman, Head of Employability & Enterprise at CCAD, said: “Dan is a world renowned photographer and creative expert is his field, so we are delighted to welcome him to the college. Guests can experience his collections which are featured in some of the most famous galleries in the UK and worldwide. With many of his works published and having also featured on the BBC’s Power of Art with Simon Schama, it is a real coup for us to bring Dan here to the north east. There are only a few spaces left so I would encourage anyone interested in this free event to book their ticket soon to so they don’t miss out. ”

For more information on Dan Holdsworth and his works, please visit

For more information on opportunities at CCAD contact (01642) 288888 or visit

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