Landlords in Northumberland are invited to a series of training events to help them manage their tenancy and property.
The training sessions, all led by Northumberland County Council in association with the National Landlords Association (NLA), will cover a range of topics including landlord safety, handling deposits and how to gain possession of a property.
The first of the courses takes place on Monday February 26th at Blyth Civic Centre and focuses on landlord safety. This one-day course will cover the essentials in ensuring landlords are providing a safe property to tenants.
There are limited spaces and the price per person is £95. To secure a place email privatesectorhousing@
These courses are a great way for landlords to network and get up to speed on some of the key topics within the Private Rented Sector.
The council also hosts a number of landlord forums every year, the next forum will be the South East Northumberland Forum which will be held on Tuesday 26th June followed by the Countywide Landlords Forum on Thursday October 11th at Morpeth Rugby Club.
For more information on future courses and events go to