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North East Connected

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Laying the foundations! Local housebuilder educates Spennymoor primary school pupils


Oct 24, 2019 #property

The Reception class from Rosa Street Primary School paid an educational visit to Barratt Homes’ Burton Woods development in Spennymoor, for a morning of fun and learning on the site.

The Reception class, which includes 17 pupils aged four years old, were invited to visit Burton Woods by the five star housebuilder, after the school expressed an interest in the nearby development. The children first enjoyed a welcome talk from Barratt Homes’ Contracts Manager, Dan Walker, before embarking upon an exciting tour around the development, which included visiting and learning about the show homes, the Sales Office and plots under various stages of construction. The pupils also took part in an engaging Q&A, where they had the opportunity to ask the team lots of questions about the processes of housebuilding and construction.

Dan Walker, Contracts Manager at Burton Woods commented: “It was wonderful to have the Reception class from Rosa Street Primary School visit Burton Woods. The children were all very excited about the development, and it was great to see them really engaging with everything they were shown, especially during the Q&A! We hope that the class enjoyed their visit with us.”

Natasha Darke, Reception Teacher at Rosa Street Primary School, commented: “It is brilliant that Barratt Homes’ staff have offered their time to show our class around such an interesting development. These types of visits are so valuable; getting out of the classroom, seeing new sights and learning from the experts is brilliant for the children. It’s fantastic that skilled construction professionals are keen to support us, and we look forward to working with them again in the future!”

By Katie

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