People across the Hemlington estate in Middlesbrough have been working together to carry out a wide range of improvements in the area.
During a week of action in Hemlington (23-27 July), staff from Thirteen led a project on the estate to remove graffiti, pick up litter, make improvements to communal grounds, and answer any queries that customers might have about their home or tenancy.
The week was organised by Thirteen in partnership with Cleveland Police, Middlesbrough Council and volunteers from the local community.
The hard work was marked with a fun day at Dodford Community Centre to celebrate everything that had been achieved. Dozens of families came along to enjoy face painting, a climbing wall, football, dog chipping, hot dogs, smoothie making, police dogs and much more.
Lee Elkin, neighbourhoods service manager at Thirteen, said: “Throughout the week, the partners worked together to improve the estate and make sure that communal spaces and residents’ gardens were clean, tidy and safe.
“It was really great to see so many people getting involved in helping to make sure that Hemlington is as attractive and welcoming as possible, while having a little bit of fun at the same time.”
Thirteen has around 1,000 properties in the Hemlington area and staff from the company called on tenants to give them help and advice about their homes and gardens, while offering support on issues including money advice and tenancy management.
Lee continued: “We work closely with tenants and customers on the estate and it’s important that we keep in touch with them to help manage their homes and maintain the area as a good place to live. The week of action was a good way to bring lots of people in the neighbourhood together, and the fun day was a little thank you for everyone that worked so hard to improve the area throughout the week.”