North East Connected

Lunchtime with a difference as Northumbria launches free recital series

Northumbria University has announced a series of informal lunchtime music recitals, open to the public and starting next week.

This September the University will launch its new Music degree and, in preparation, is introducing new musical events and opportunities onto its Newcastle campus over the coming months.

The first of the free recitals will take place at 1.10pm on Tuesday 4 February in the Great Hall of Northumbria University’s Sutherland Building.

It will feature music by Bach, Handel, Purcell and Strozzi, performed on the harpsichord by ​Professor David J Smith, Founding Head of Music at Northumbria, with soprano singer Frauke Jürgensen.

Members of the public are invited to come along to enjoy the concert in a relaxed and informal setting. Visitors are free to come and go, bring their own lunch and even read a book while enjoying baroque music.

Professor Smith said: “This is a great way for people to discover more about classical music in a very informal setting and perfect for anyone looking to do something a little bit different during their lunch break.”

Find out more about Northumbria’s ​new Music degree.

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