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Netflix and no sleep? Nearly 50 percent of people blame binge-worthy series for lack of sleep

BySF News

Mar 17, 2020 #Business, #health

It’s a widely known statistic – sleep deprivation is costing the UK economy more than £40 billion in lost productivity and illness every year.

We’ve all been there. It’s late, you know you should go to bed, but you decide to cram in one more episode of the Netflix series you’re hooked on. You might feel tired the next day, but it was worth it…wasn’t it?

This all too familiar problem got the sleep experts at online mattress retailer, Amerisleep, thinking. What effect are TV streaming services having on our sleep habits and performance at work?

Amerisleep surveyed* more than 1,300 people to find out.

Shockingly, nearly 50 percent of Netflix users blame the addictive nature of series for insufficient sleep. This is fuelled by new buzz-worthy shows and films continually being added to the streaming service.

Netflix is one of the top streaming services in the UK and by the end of 2019, it had over 11.8 million subscribers.

And with Netflix being the pioneers when it comes to binge-worthy series, it comes as no surprise that 25 percent of subscribers blame the autoplay feature for watching another episode at the expense of getting some shut-eye.

What’s more, people who always watch Netflix for longer than planned sleep badly for 3.7 nights a week and 25 percent get less than the minimum recommended 7 hours of sleep a night.

Though there isn’t much research on the health effects of binge-watching, there are plenty of studies that explain the health risks gained from lack of sleep. From weight gain and memory issues to a weakened immune system and high blood pressure, these are just some of the key issues that can be caused due to sleep deprivation. Trying methods such as fitness at home can help.

Just as there are certain things you can do before bed to help promote better rest, there are some night-time routines that can negatively affect your REM cycle. Amerisleep’s survey reveals watching TV is the most common activity people do before bed and those who do typically take nearly 35 minutes to fall asleep.

However, Netflix isn’t the worst culprit stopping people from drifting off quickly. Checking social media delayed sleep by an average of 36-37 minutes.

Research has shown that the blue light emitted from most electronic devices constrains the production of melatonin, a natural hormone that helps regulate our sleep and wake cycles.

People who said they either did nothing at all or tried to relax before going to bed fell asleep the fastest and felt the most well-rested in the morning.

Certified Sleep Science Coach, McKenzie Hyde at Amerisleep commented:

“Our study into Netflix at night reveals a large number of people are not getting enough sleep, whether it’s because they’re up late binge-watching TV series or checking their social apps.

“Once you’re lying on your perfect mattress and tucked up under the covers, switch off the TV and avoid checking social media. No social feed or Netflix episode is worth lost zzz’s.

“If you find your day-to-day life is being impacted by lack of sleep, it’s time to make a change.

To view Amerisleep’s full study More Zzz’s Please click here:

By SF News