• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

LiamLiam Jefferson from Stanley, County Durham has spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, he was three years old on the 2nd of June 2015. Liam was born at just 27 weeks and had a very tough start to life. Liam is in need of a specialist car seat to keep him safe whilst traveling in the car and this is not funded by the NHS.

His parents, Leanne and Paul, have started fundraising and are looking for help, in raising the money, so Liam can travel safe in the car and have as much independence as possible.

Their fundraising page can be found via  http://www.gofundme.com/ug4v8ggs

From the heart of Liam’s parents:  

When Liam was born he was a very early baby born at 27 weeks by emergency c section, this was the hardest thing we had ever gone through , having your baby is meant to be the best feeling ever , looking through the glass of an incubator watching as your tiny 2lb baby fights for every breath , and seeing him stop breathing and nurses rushing to help him the pain we felt we just can’t explain, after along 16 weeks in special care our baby could come home , with a feeding tube known as a nasal gastric tube. Liam was only home 3 days a was admitted back into hospital then after a two week stay we were back home again but this time on oxygen 24 hours a day.    

We started to notice that Liam was not holding his head up the way he should, so he started to have physiotherapy every week , then Liam couldn’t sit.  We were told by the consultant Liam had quadriplegic spastic cerebral palsy.  We were devastated but we were told take Liam day by day and try not to look to far into future, our consultant told us that the older Liam got and still was unable to sit up unaided , it was more likely he would never walk. Devastated, but we get on with day to day life.  Liam has two older sisters Paige who is 13 and Leonie who is 7,  he also has a younger brother Luke who is 18 months.  Luke was also born premature at 25 weeks , he weighed a tiny 1lb 9oz , he also has cerebral palsy after becoming very ill and suffering a very large brain bleed .  

Please help and support us by making it possible to provide the correct equipment Liam needs to keep him safe when travelling in the car and also to give him a special adapted trike so he can play and have fun with his sisters.  The equipment that is needed the NHS do not fund and the cost of specially adapted equipment is so expensive.  Help us give Liam the independents he deserves. 

By admin