North East Connected

Richmond School students work hard to make this a Meet to remember

Students from Richmond School and Sixth Form College have enjoyed dipping into the heritage of Richmond Meet, to create a fabulous display that will date back to 1898.

In preparation for the 2019 Meet, which takes place from Saturday 25th May to Monday 27th May, the students have been taking photographs of each of the Meet badges for display over the festival weekend.

The students have had the privilege of working with 127 badges which represent the Richmond Meet going back to 1898, with the more recent badges being displayed on the present President’s chain.  The students are very grateful to The Richmondshire Museum, where staff have kindly supported and encouraged students by giving access to the older badges in their possession. They are also most appreciative of the funding that the Richmond Meet have provided for this project.

Scott Lunn, Head of Maths at Richmond School, said:  It’s been a real joy for the school to work with Corinne as she coordinates the arrangements for this year’s Richmond Meet.  The students have been particularly impressed with the history that the badges represent.  They are also looking forward to all the fun activities this weekend!”

The display of the pictures of all the Meet badges will be on view in St Mary’s Church, Richmond, throughout the Meet weekend for members of the pubic to enjoy.

Corinne Alsop, the 2019 Meet President, said: “I was really excited when Mr Lunn contacted me and I immediately thought, let’s do it! The work the students have done is absolutely fantastic, I never expected this.  It’s brilliant that the display will be in the church and I will be very proud to see it during my Meet Service at 10:00 on Sunday 26th May.”

Sarah Chaney, Year 7 student, concluded: “I’ve really enjoyed looking at all the badges,  learning how far back they go and how each President designs his or her own badge.”

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