• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

SmartWater makes its Marque

Screen Shot 2015-07-23 at 08.59.39Social housing provider Four Housing, Northumbria Police and Safer Northumberland Partnership have worked together to raise funds which have been used to introduce ‘SmartWater’ to homes in the Berwick upon Tweed area.

‘SmartWater’ is a traceable liquid which can be applied to almost all household items.  Each ‘SmartWater’ kit has a unique forensic code.  Once applied it is almost impossible to remove.   Traces of ‘SmartWater’ will glow under certain ultraviolet light, allowing Police officers to easily identify any marked property. The unique code within the traceable liquid provides an indisputable forensic link back to the owner of stolen goods and also links criminals with the scene of their crime.  By heightening the accountability of thieves in this way, ‘SmartWater’ has established a formidable reputation as a powerful deterrent.

Berwick Neighbourhood Policing Team has visited numerous homes to issue the ‘SmartWater’ marking kits.  Signs have been erected in prominent positions on roads into the town to warn would be thieves that properties in the area are protected by ‘SmartWater’.

Berwick Neighbourhood Police also used the home visits as an opportunity to talk to residents about any concerns that they may have regarding crime and anti-social behaviour in their neighbourhoods.

Vicky Higginbottom, Community Safety Co-ordinator at Four Housing, said: “Being burgled can be devastating, which is why we think that it is really important to work with residents to encourage them to protect their property”.

“The great thing about SmartWater is that it’s invisible to the naked eye so it won’t affect how your valuables look, however it will show up under ultraviolet light meaning stolen property can be identified swiftly.”

Inspector Davy Garrick, from Berwick Police Station, said: “Northumbria Police continues to work closely with partner agencies to support victims and to reduce crime and disorder throughout the Berwick Sector”. 

“Smartwater provides an additional deterrent against thieves in Berwick.  There are many ways to protect property from thieves and if any person wants crime prevention advice they should contact their local Neighbourhood Police Team who will gladly oblige”.

By admin