There are more and more products on the market made from CBD oil. However, there are still doubts about how this type of oil is used.
Here are tips to use CBD eliquid.
· CBD oil can be administered in different ways:
Experts consider that the most beneficial way of administering the oil is by taking it sublingually, either with a dropper or a spray, to achieve a faster and more regular absorption of the active ingredient.
Another way to apply the oil is topically with creams or by taking it through infusions, for example.
· You can use it to hydrate your skin
Some of the benefits associated with CBD eliquid is hydration of the skin. For this reason, on many occasions some people choose to administer it topically with creams. In this case, the ointment should be applied in small doses and evenly. In addition, it is recommended to rub the area where it is applied with circular and light movements between 2 and 3 times a day.
· You can mix it with other foods to give it more flavor.
As we have discussed, another option to take CBD oil is to add it in food. In this case, we refer to CBD infusions. To be dissolved, CBD needs fatty elements because it does not dissolve only with hot water. To prepare the CBD tea infusion, we heat water to a boil. Subsequently, we add a cloud of whole milk that will provide the necessary fats to dissolve the tea. To finish, the tea bag is placed inside and removed after 3 to 5 minutes.
· What is the correct dose?
If this is the first time you have tried CBD oil, it is recommended to start with the minimum amount indicated on the container. Thus, you can evaluate the effect of the oil and increase the doses according to your needs
For example, in our 2% myCBD oil, the minimum recommended dose in one dose is 3 drops (equivalent to 2 mg of CBD) and the maximum is 9 drops (equivalent to 6 mg).
These amounts of CBD can be considered “low” depending on each person or their weight, so we advise consulting a specialist for any questions, especially if administered to minors.
CBD Oil Relieves Arthritis Pain
One of the main benefits of CBD oil for arthritis sufferers is its positive effect on pain, and research confirms this.
A study published in the journal Pain in December 2017 looked at whether CBD eliquid could prevent pain from osteoarthritis and joint neuropathy.
Based on their findings, the researchers claimed that they did things because they decreased joint inflammation and served as a protector of the nerves.
CBD and relief from chronic pain conditions
CBD has also been found for other chronic pain. For example, research published in Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management indicates that cannabinoids have been helpful in relieving pain in people diagnosed with conditions such as multiple sclerosis and cancer.
Other studies have reported positive effects for people taking CBD to ease their fibromyalgia pain, many of whom only experienced mild side effects from this chemical, such as dry mouth, drowsiness, and dizziness.
Oil and anxiety
CBD oil has also been linked to a variety of mental health benefits, such as reducing anxiety. Research suggests that it is so effective in this regard that it has “considerable potential as a treatment for multiple anxiety disorders.”
A study published in The Permanente Journal even found that CBD oil can help reduce anxiety in young children.
CBD for depression
Several studies have also linked CBD to a reduction in symptoms associated with depression. This is extremely important because some arthritis-related foundations say that depression rates for people diagnosed with certain types of arthritis “can be between two and ten times higher than rates for the general population.”