Do you have a passion for a particular hobby? Do you love building miniature train sets, or enjoy interior design? If you do, then why not consider using your talent to show others with potential to make a little money as well?
Blogging has become a big business in recent years, with people from all walks of life deciding to take up their pen (or laptop) and start writing about the things they love. There are many people out there that love reading blogs, and who learns tips for home design, writing and general DIY. The internet is becoming a huge learning platform, and bloggers are contributing to this.
What to write about?
Of course, it is up to you, but you want your blog to be about something you enjoy instead of what you think people want to read. It is a blog that you might be writing for a long time, so you have to stay enthusiastic; if you don’t, it will show in your writing and lose you readers.
Whatever it is that you decide, try to think of a unique angle that others might not have covered; for example, an area that others with the same hobby haven’t heard of, but might want to know about. This will make your blog attractive and draw readers into your site. You may even gain respect from established bloggers in the same niche.
Where to write?
Where you decide to write depends on what application you enjoy using. There are many blogging sites such as Blogger, WordPress, and Wix that will let you design a blogging site and publish your work. You will not get your own domain name as it will be linked to the site, but you can always buy your own domain and have the site continue hosting it for you.
There are also other sites that will publish your work under a profile instead of a site. Places such as Medium will let you publish your work and put it in front of thousands of readers. This is a good way of getting your work out there, and it frees you from having to maintain a website built from scratch.
Sharing your content
How you share your blog is important. If you do not share it to the right places, people will not fail to find and read it. Some people choose to use sites like who can help with link building and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). It can quickly give your site a boost, especially if it has only been live for a short while.
You can also consider sharing your blog on social media; this has a huge number of people all looking to engage with and read useful and interesting blogs. If you put your blog in front of the right people, it can get many views. Sites such as Twitter and Facebook are the best along with Instagram; you should also start following a few blogs that you like as well and comment on them.
These are only a couple of the ways you can start to share your stories and opinions of the things you love doing. You may be surprised how many people will be interested in your content and want to share it with others.