North East Connected


ROAD SAFETY and breakdown organisation GEM Motoring Assist is keen to reduce motorcycle casualties during the current peak riding season. Central to this, according to GEM, should be a focus for riders on boosting their skill and knowing your limits. At the same time GEM is urging other road users to improve their observation in an attempt to reduce the number of motorcycle collisions.

There were 347 motorcycle fatalities in 20171 (the latest available statistics), a nine per cent increase on the previous year. Bearing in mind that motorcyclists make up less than three per cent of vehicles on the UK’s roads, the disproportionately high figure shows how risky motorcycling can be. 

GEM road safety officer Neil Worth said: “There’s a lot of satisfaction to be gained from riding a motorcycle with skill and precision. But if you’re riding at speed, there is no margin for error if you – or another road user near you – gets something wrong. 

“That’s why we’re not only encouraging riders to give themselves a ‘skills MOT’ during the early part of this season, we’re also urging drivers and pedestrians to make a special point of looking out for motorcyclists, especially at junctions. After all, it’s here around 30 riders are killed or injured every day.  

Follow GEM’s five simple ‘lifesaver’ safety tips and reduce the risk of being involved in a collision:

Finally, GEM is asking all road users to keep a good look-out for motorcyclists. “The roads are there for us all to use, so do get into the habit of expecting to see motorcycles on a journey,” added Neil Worth. “It may seem an easy and obvious step, but it has significant potential in terms of helping to reduce motorcyclist injuries.

Follow GEM on Twitter @MotoringAssist for the latest industry news.

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