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Why you should always take choosing a business name seriously

ByDave Stopher

Jan 6, 2019 #technology

When it comes to any kind of long-term business venture, having a name that sticks is essential. As anyone will know, the best companies are often those with catchy, easy to memorise names. It should be something that feels topical, feels suited to the industry it is based within, and feels like a fair fit for the actual subject matter. With that being the case, have you already decided on a name for your business? Because if you still need to do so, many tools exist to help you make that change.

Whether you are a new company or you are in the process of a much-needed rebrand, you will find that branding is something you should take very seriously indeed. We recommend that anyone who intends to change their business name looks for inspiration by using the Wix business name generator. This is one of the best tools on the market for helping you to come up with a snazzy name for your business that rolls off the tongue.

On top of that, the name generator also allows you to see just how well your business can feel when it has a company name that lines up with your ethics and ideals. You might still need convincing, though, that a name change would be something you should consider. With that in mind, we highly recommend that you look to some of the following data points to help you understand how useful a new company name will be.

The name of a company always matters

When building your business, you can spend all the time in the world planning for various factors. Whether you are looking at the company setup from a marketing perspective or from a financial perspective, you always have metrics you can use to understand company recognition. However, the name and the logo of a company are two of the most important factors in being remembered. For example, did you know that 94% of people recognise the Coca Cola brand logo?

The name is also synonymous with the product they produce. When you think of getting a class of Cola, even if you are not drinking Coca Cola, you’ll still often refer to it as a ‘Coke’ – this is just the power of a brand that is so easy to recognise. For most of us, that kind of recognition will never come; but you can use the same metrics and thinking to create a successful company name.

Add in the fact that 89% of marketers are focused on brand awareness, and you should really stop to take a closer look at the power of a good company name. It can really go the extra mile when it comes to creating a business that can succeed on its own terms.

Your first impression is a lasting one

As we all know, first impressions count a huge deal in this world. So, if you want to make a good impression, you need a company name that makes people instantly take notice of you in a good way. To do that, you need to work to come up with a business name that makes a positive impression on the intended audience.

We recommend that you do this by focusing on a company name that amply describes what you do. By using a name generator tool like the one from Wix, you can get a better idea of what kinds of names feel ‘right’ for your business. Every company is different but finding a name that feels like a fair reflection of your business is always a wise idea. It could even be an anagram, or an abbreviation of other terms broken down into one word, for example.

Just remember that your business has one chance to make an impression; with a well thought-out name, you can make that impression stand-out a bit more than before.

A business name can help to determine your target audience

Also, you should remember that a business name will play a key role in helping you to determine the target audience that you get to work with. We recommend that you focus on this as much as you can, as the audience will want to work with businesses they feel are tailored to their own wants and needs.

With that in mind, we recommend that you look to find a name that feels like a natural blend with the target audience that you have in mind. This can go a long way to ensuring that you get a bit more out of your experience, all the while ensuring that you also make it easier for customers who you wish to target to realise that you are the right person for them to work with.

Take the time to look closer, and you can work out what the best business name would be for you based on your audience. By tying the name into their wants and needs, you ensure that they are much more likely to appreciate that you offer a solution to their problems.

Don’t discount the importance of a good quality name for a company; it can be the foundation of a long, successful future. The sooner you take the importance of a name into account, the sooner you can build a list of company names – even through a name generator – that gets you inspired.

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