North East Connected

Work Placement ‘App’oprtunity for Corey

CoreyA work placement student from Newcastle College has helped design a new app that will allow social care and health service users in Newcastle to access important information about services in the city.

The new app has been developed by Healthwatch Newcastle to help people make informed choices about the services available to them. Users can rate and review dentists, doctors, opticians, care homes, and more, and give instant feedback to the Healthwatch team about their experiences.

Wallsend student Corey Hogg (16) is studying engineering and will soon start an apprenticeship, but during his time with Healthwatch Newcastle his computing skills were put to good use.

“I’ve made apps before as a hobby and I was pleased to help with the development of this one. It’s very user friendly and allows people to contact the office by telephone, email or text. The app also has links to social media and even allows the user to nominate a staff member or organisation as a Healthwatch Newcastle Star for going the extra mile to help.”

Deborah Hall, Marketing and Project Coordinator at Healthwatch Newcastle, is delighted with Corey’s efforts.

“It’s fantastic to see students getting real work experience and helping to solve tangible business problems. The creation of the app will help us to communicate even more effectively with the public, hear their views and help shape future service provision. We’ve really appreciated having Corey as part of our team and have been so impressed with his technical know-how and great work ethic.

Corey is also enjoying his time with the team.

“It’s been non-stop and the experience has been invaluable. It will stand me in good stead for my engineering apprenticeship.”

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