North East Connected


Head Bill Sawyer and 235 children from Yarm Preparatory School performed a mass dance to raise money for Sport Relief.

The pupils, aged between 6 and 11, were inspired by a YouTube video of a Chinese shuffle dance.

More than £3,500 was raised for the charity, which harnesses the power of sport to help the most vulnerable people, in the UK and across the world.

Mr Sawyer said: “We were inspired by a school in China which didn’t have enough room to do any outdoor activities. Their head teacher leads them every morning in a unified dance and we thought ‘we can do that – let’s do it for sport relief and raise some money for a really great cause.’

“Charitable giving and being passionate about good causes is really important to us as a school. It’s one of our school values and we really help the children understand the importance of giving something back and being positive change makers in society today by supporting charities.

“We do regular events for local organisations including Teesside Hospice and Shelter and we’re very proud of the hard work of the children and the support of parents and the wider community.”

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