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10 Ecommerce marketing trends

ByDave Stopher

Jun 7, 2019 #technology

There is no definite answer how to run your e commerce business correctly as what is good today, may fail tomorrow. It is true for many areas that means companies should be aware of the latest trends and fashions not before their competitors, but long before it becomes a topic for discussion in the society. To say it simpler, to be ahead of time.

When we talk about current year, there we so much buzz about artificial intelligence, mixed reality, influence marketing and some other things. Their problem is that they take time to see the results, while business owners certainly need something more sustainable and practical.

The ideas you can implement in your e commerce advertising strategy can be hardly rendered as new, but it is something that really works no matter how big or small your business is. There are a lot of ecommerce marketing platform offer you the best optimization tools for your online business

Website performance

There are too many notions hidden there. Code writing means a lot, but big companies have whole departments for marketing, optimization, design and so on. What you may start with is the time of your page loading. Google estimates an average time for 22 seconds, while potential buyers need only 3 to decide whether they want to stay on your page. It is not only an issue for SEO, bit for UX and conversions as well.

How is your voice search?

The idea of talking to Google or Bing was raised in far 2014, while now the amount of voice searches counts almost third part of all requests. It’s time to optimize not only your texts, but voice as well. It may sound unnecessary now, but the tendency is growing and you risk to lose a huge part of your audience.

Content marketing

The attitude towards this direction is absolutely different it used to be even 5-7 years ago. Nowadays it is not one-sided part-time activity marketers spent time for if they could. Nowadays ecommerce companies use it for interaction with clients, supply with information and, as a result, sell even more.

The tendency is not new at all, but its doubling is expected this year, don’t miss your chance.

Mobile advertising

There is nothing new in mobile world and marketers from all over the world make efforts to launch different mobile campaigns. The trend we would like to focus on here is PPC mobile advertising. Some statistics shows that there rare nearly 1,3 billion of mobile users in the world and almost half of them come to companies from PPC campaigns – we suppose, it is a good reason to hurry up.

Enhance buying from social networks

Americans are said to make nearly 15% of their purchases after clicking the ad from social network. It means that you can cover even more audience, but the environment should be more convenient for clients in this case. Think, where you can implement “buy” button.

Add chat on your website

This simple tool will help your clients to have more definite information about the products they are interested in. In addition to it, you can also offer better models and send a link exactly in chat for the customer not to waste time for searching.


Audience is more loyal to them than texts or graphic ads. Think of instructive material that will be helpful for your clients and which problems they can resolve.

Besides, live streams are becoming popular for their unpredictability and showing everything in full.

Delivery and return

Ecommerce marketing platform has gifted business owners with many benefits so that only a stable Internet connection is required. But there should be something beneficial for clients as well. Delivery and return cannot, unfortunately, serve as a direct method, but if you offer free delivery, your chances for clients’ attraction are higher. Flexible policy for returning is also a very desirable point for clients and you to stand among rivals.

All the trends we have discussed may seems different, but their common feature is comforting your clients. You should do your best for your buyers shop easily and without extra efforts. Otherwise, even unique goods are unlikely to save the situation.

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