North East Connected

28% of children aged 11 or under are unable to use joined-up handwriting

Thanks to the rise of all things digital, classrooms all over the North East are being kitted out with the latest technology to help aid the education of children. Although a keyboard may seem like the most efficient way to write, research has shown that this is preventing information retention, the ability to focus and even hand eye coordination.

Learning to write by hand is an integral part of a child’s development and it is important they get a grasp on the basics of handwriting from an early age. Research has shown that 28% of children aged 11 or under are not able to use joined-up handwriting to connect the letters of the word. Angela Webb, the chair of the National Handwriting Association, said: “Handwriting also supports the development of cognitive skills such as reading, spelling and the securing of maths concepts. The physical connectivity with the pen seems to impact the brain in a way that using a keyboard does not.”

60% of teachers surveyed by TES said they would be able to teach handwriting more effectively in the classroom if they had the support of parents at home. As a parent you can help by ensuring handwriting is practiced both after school and at the weekend, helping your child to take time away from a computer or TV screen, writing by hand can help with relaxation and help them unwind after a busy school day.

National Pen have created a handy infographic on why we should all focus on more handwriting and less typing.

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