If you’re an owner or manager of a taxi business, you understand the number of challenges that you have to contend with on a regular basis. This could be anything from a reduction in demand for your service, increasing competition or even an issue with the actual taxi itself, hindering your ability to get back on the road in the shortest space of time.
Each year the demand for taxi services has been steadily increasing, one of the reasons for this is that people simply love the convenience factor. Getting from point A to point B in the shortest possible time without having to consider public transport options such as buses or trains. This demand has also meant that there are new players entering the market, all looking to make a living from a job that provides exceptional flexibility. Increased competition in the taxi industry has also increased average insurance premiums as more and more drivers are making claims each year. For this reason, you should consider using a price comparison website such as Utility Saving Expert to find the cheapest taxi cover available. Hopefully you can save hundreds each year on your renewal quote and put that money to good use by using the following tips to promote your taxi business.
Business cards and leaflets
As more taxi companies embrace the digital landscape, you shouldn’t forget some of the traditionally common ways of promoting a business. Business cards and leaflets still have their place in the modern world. This involves you commissioning a printing company to produce hundreds of business cards and leaflets for a small fee. If you’re the creative type, you can even design the cards and leaflets yourself, or alternatively just provide them with your taxi firm logo and contact details and let them design it for you.
Once these are ready, you will go door to door and drop these off through potential customers’ letterboxes. The reason why this method is still very effective is because you can almost guarantee that a potential customer will see this, and they may even hold on to it by pinning it to a notice board or keeping it safe in a drawer. Alternatively, if you’re not up to the task of hand delivering these business cards and leaflets yourself, you can always pay someone an hourly rate to do this for you. This method is relatively cheap, simple and straightforward, and most importantly, can be very effective.
Telephone directories
In the old days, being listed in a telephone directory was one of the most practical ways of promoting a taxi company. This meant that you would pay the company who produced the directory a yearly fee to be listed in the A-Z telephone book. Skip forward to the letter ‘T’ and your company’s name and contact information would be printed under the taxi services section. Before the internet became enormously popular, you had to search for a company’s information through these directories. You couldn’t just ‘Google’ it.
Now you’re probably wondering, why would a taxi firm want to be listed in a directory when most people can just use their smartphone to search for a local taxi service. Here’s why, not everyone has transitioned over to the digital age. Many elderly people still rely on these phone books when they need a service such as taxi, plumbing or window cleaning. The internet may be inaccessible to them, and they may also prefer to do things in ways that they have been accustomed to. The good news is that to be listed in a telephone directory, you will no longer be expected to pay the premium prices of the past. This is because they are nowhere near as popular as they used to be, and only a minority of people still use them.
Social networking
Fast forward a few decades and social media has taken over the world, the digital world that is. Hundreds of millions of people use these platforms each and every day to communicate and share posts with one another. It is for this exact reason why almost every business has flocked to and created their own company profile on these networks. Businesses want to be seen and heard, and where better to do that than the place users spend their free time. This is no different for taxi firms either, as businesses small and large can be found on Facebook and Twitter.
Did you know that many people even use Facebook instead of Google to search for products and services they’re looking for? This fact doesn’t seem so startling when you consider that Facebook has over two billion registered users and the company has gone to vast lengths to offer its users as many features as possible.
We hope you’ve found this knowledge helpful in promoting your new or existing taxi business. The key thing to take away is that both digitally modern and traditional methods of advertising still have their use cases. Having a combination of what works and avoiding what doesn’t work can often combine to be the best strategy.