Going to university is a step in the right direction for those who want to expand their knowledge, add to their education and increase their opportunities in life. Most people think that university is only for young people, however, this common misconception is far from the truth. Enrolling on a university course as a mature student may not offer the party lifestyle and freedom that many young students want to gain from their time at university, but the benefits that university proposes to mature students should not be overlooked.
If you want to get a degree and you are worried about doing so due to your age, today we will be taking a look at 5 advantages to being a mature student at university that will hopefully convince you to seize the opportunity.
You Know What You Want from the Course
It’s common for young people to just choose a course that is easy or versatile so that they can experience the university lifestyle and don’t have to put too much effort into studying. Unfortunately, many of these students will regret their decisions after they graduate, because they won’t know what to do with their degree.
As a mature student, you will have a clearer idea of what you want from studying. The time you took out of education would have allowed you to find out what motivates you the most and where your interests lie. When researching your options, there are plenty of resources you can use, like University Compare, that allow you to assess university profiles and compare them by more than just the course you have chosen. Browse these university profiles from Uni Compare to help you make a decision when you are looking to apply.
Entry Requirements May Be More Flexible
Some universities will allow a bit more leeway when it comes to the entry requirements of a mature student. This is because many mature students have a lot more to offer than just their grades. They may have extra training, work experience and more experience in life and a professional environment. This flexibility may give you a bit more confidence in applying for a course where you don’t quite meet the entry requirements, as your application as a mature student will have special treatment.
You Will Be Better at Making Decisions
When you choose a university course as a mature student, you will be making the decision yourself. No one else will be pushing you to apply to university and you won’t have to rush this choice. Many younger people are easily influenced by their family and friends when it comes to choosing a course at a particular institution, whereas mature learners tend to have more independence and their goals will be a lot clearer. This will support their motivation throughout their years of study. Mature students have had more time to learn their weaknesses and strengths, which means the degree they choose may be more tailored to a learning format that works for them. Also, the course they choose will improve employability, because mature learners have a specific career path in mind.
Your Life Experiences Can Be Used in the Classroom
Once you leave your life in education, you may not have realised this, but you would have gained a lot of life experience and knowledge of society and the world. This can be gained through a job, world events, reading or watching the news, reading literature, travelling and meeting and interacting with different people. Previous experiences in work and volunteering positions or knowledge gained from bringing up a family will provide many mature learners valuable skills and a great foundation that can be used in the classroom when studying for their degree.
Mature Students Are Favoured by Employers
Many graduates struggle to find work when entering the real world because employers want plenty of experience alongside qualifications. If you are a mature student, you will be able to take advantage of these requirements, because you will most likely have many years of experience in a professional environment and some reliable references to vouch for you. Many mature learners will choose to study a degree part-time, so they can work alongside their education in order to continue to meet financial commitments. Mature graduates will be more likely to know what they want from the job they apply for, rather than applying because they want to rush into work and put their degree to use.
As you can see, there are many benefits that come with being a mature student at university. Life gets more complicated as we get older, so make sure you consider your options and do plenty of research into the requirements of the course before you apply. Don’t forget – you are not alone, and there will most likely be other mature students studying alongside you.