When you’re launching a startup with limited resources, it’s easy to find yourself trying to spin an impossible number of plates in the air.
But if you’re not careful, they’ll all come crashing down when you’ve taken far too much weight on your own shoulders and feel completely burned out.
However, by utilising clever tech tools, considering alternative operational arrangements and outsourcing certain functions, you’ll delegate extra duties, work to your strengths, keep overheads under control and curate the best conditions for sustained success.
With that in mind, here are five streamlining solutions for your SME.
- IT
Most modern businesses rely on expensive IT infrastructure to operate, but when it collapses for a few hours or days due to bugs and viruses, it can turn off customers and lose you cash.
So hiring an IT maintenance firm like ITC Service is well worth the retainer fee – their techy experts will ensure all of your hardware and software is well-maintained and can respond rapidly to restore normal service when things go wrong.
- Shared workspace
Before you splash out on an expensive office that’s bang in the middle of a high-end business district, remember that there are other options which are cheaper and more collaborative.
For instance, North East Workspace offers reasonably priced shared workspaces in central Newcastle with easy in, easy out terms, superfast broadband, 24/7 secure access and the chance to work close to fellow entrepreneurs who might become future collaborators.
- PA Service
If you’re not used to diarising your own schedule and organising the vital admin tasks that keep an enterprise running smoothly, the launch of your startup career probably isn’t the best time to start – you’ll possibly miss a vital meeting and a deal might fall through.
Better to hire the services of a local PA company like Pink Spaghetti – they’ll provide you with in-person assistance for a few hours a week or the same type of support on a remote, virtual basis.
- Outsourced payroll
It’s not uncommon for a digital or tech startup to employ several staff members who work remotely across the country or even in different nations.
But one thing this arrangement complicates is payroll – and people expect to be paid precisely and on time, wherever they are in the world. An automated payroll provider like SD Worx is more accurate than human HR staff and ensures that appropriate arrangements are made with tax authorities in different territories.
- Compliance software
Niche operators in sectors like lifting inspection and crane management must ensure that their equipment and installations are regularly maintained and can pass regular regulatory compliance and certification regimes.
So inspection tech specialist Motion Software streamlines these processes with an automated, customisable platform that omits the need for reams of paper while ensuring all kit is completely above board for authorities.
So ends our list – but please share your own streamlining tips in the comments section.