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5 Tips On Choosing The Right Keyword


Apr 16, 2019

Keywords are the lifeline of the traffic. They are the core of the search process and major element of content marketing. They have the power to bring in good rankings. They increase the reach of the product or service. The keywords help to understand the demands of the market. They form the link to the next post and its ideas.

Keyword research helps to determine the popular or the most profitable niche.

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Here are some of the best keyword research tips

Refine The List

Start listing as many keywords as possible. Try to be specific focussing on the target audience. One can take the help of search engines like Google. One can also use keyword search tools. Or can even observe ideas from the successful competitors. Grab as many options as possible. Now, group them according to their chances of appearance on the search engine rankings.

Select the keyword that is specific to the business and the chosen niche. They will help to indicate the behaviours of the products’ purchasing patterns. Check the phrases with the Google search volume. Google search volume is a tool offered by Google to find the number of users for a particular period of time. Use the phrases that have more weight in that particular season

Competitive Phrases

Always go in for common popular phrases that are used by the web surfers and also by the competitors. This is because the keyword phrase that is used by most of the surfers is said to be competitive and has wide chances to appear in the top ranks of the search engine.

Long Tail Keywords

Long tail keywords are those keywords that are keywords that contain 4-6 words. They are specific and talk more about the product. Also they have lesser but targeted search volume. It is also advantageous to use this technique as it is not known to others. The idea is to get more traffic and increase the reach and ultimately sell the concept or the product. This will help to increase the conversion rate.

When the above methods bring in greater search volume bringing in broad base of customers, the long tail keywords bring in smaller search volume. But still is better than the other keyword research tips. This is because, long tail keywords fetch targeted web surfers who are the actual buyers.

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Informational Searches

With all the other searches like the transactional searches, navigational searches, informational searches are the most popular searches done on the web. These are the searches where people search for what is, how to, guidelines, etc. Therefore one should make sure to select a keyword that is compatible with these searches and create content that fulfils these criteria.

Use Specific Keywords

Use the keyword according to its specificity. If a business is for locally targeted customers use the keyword by region. For instance, ‘shopping in NewYork’. Give importance to the seasons. During Christmas and New Year use keywords that link the business and the season.

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