• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

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8 Signs That Indicate Your Business Needs Transcription Services

Now more than ever, videos and audio have become an integral part of the marketing strategy in many businesses. Visual marketing is a very effective marketing channel, but it could work better with transcription services, which most firms seem to ignore. Recently, combining various multimedia channels with transcription has proven the best way to reach a broader range of customers or audiences. So, what are the signs that indicate that you should outsource for an excellent transcription agent for your business? I will take you through 8 of these signs all through the article. Integrating a good transcriptionist into your marketing strategy will give you an edge over your competitors.

1. Numerous Podcasts and Videos on Your Website

Businesses cannot downplay the significance of podcasts and videos in their marketing strategies. Most firms currently have about 1-3 podcasts and or 1-3 videos channels. Video and audio content keeps winning, but it is not optimal for search engines like Google. Finding video and audio media in search engines may take time as the search engines are not optimized to analyse audio information. Instead, search engines review the words found in blogs, websites, articles or social media channels.

Suppose your business website has more oral information compared to articles or blogs. In that case, you should rethink your target audience and hire a reputable transcription firm to generate search engine optimized transcribes. This way, you will reach more people as they can see your content on search engine results. You can also transcribe your audio to several languages to tap into a diverse audience.

2. Frequent Public Speaking, Conferences or Interviews

If you or your business occasionally participates in conferences, interviews or public speeches, a transcription service will boost the value of the content you create. Did you know you could use a transcribed public speech, talk or interview for training, blogs or trade publications? That way, you will not spend resources creating new content, and you will still impact a bigger audience. If you work in a multicultural environment, consider translating your speeches and talks to several languages, such that you improve the value of your website, social media pages, blogs or promotional emails.

3. Your Business Handles Numerous Calls

Almost all businesses handle diverse calls, including zoom meetings, customer calls, Skype or conference calls. Transcribing these calls helps to store crucial information which can be distributed later to the necessary people besides helping to make business decisions.

4. You Want to Build Your Business Brand

Building your business brand mainly involves scouting for opportunities to expand it even more. If you want to influence a broader audience, you will need to offer information or services in numerous ways, including in written form or orally. GoTranscript can help you build your brand by creating quality and accurate transcripts in multiple languages to reach audiences on your numerous information platforms. The company also delivers 100% human-generated transcripts within a reasonable turnaround time at a very competitive price.

5. You value your Business’s Reputation

If you have noticed the need to transcribe your business’s videos and audio, you may have thought of doing it yourself or delegating it to one of your staff. This arrangement could work, but why not hire a reputable transcription agency to produce timely and error-free transcribes? The reports or articles you present to investors or customers will affect your business positively or negatively. If you value the reputation of your business, consider hiring professional transcriptionists to eliminate any mistakes in the final article, blogs or publications.

6. Your Assistant Is Not Good At Transcription

Producing transcripts may sound like a simple task, but it can be pretty hectic for people with no background experience. Your assistant may be a top-notch professional, but they may lack transcription skills. Instead of delegating transcription duties to your assistant, who may take a long time and still produce low-quality transcribes, consider outsourcing from an excellently reviewed transcription agency.

7. Your Personnel Are Overwhelmed

Transcription can potentially take a huge part of your employees’ schedule if you have numerous videos that need to be transcribed. Besides, maintaining a full-time transcriptionist may be a bit expensive because you may need their services partially. The best alternative is to outsource from a good company so that your in-house team focuses on other business core objectives.

8. Confidentiality Is a Priority

If the recordings you need to be transcribed contain sensitive information, assigning the job to one of your team members may not be the best option. Instead, choose a professional transcription agency with non-disclosure contracts to ensure all your information is kept confidential.


People are more likely to relate to a business that pays attention to their needs and provides information in multiple formats and languages. You can use the best transcription companies to create articles, publications, social media posts and blogs to reach a bigger pool of potential clients or investors. If your business has any of the signs listed above, go ahead and take the next marketing step. Transcription will grow your brand and improve your business productivity.

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