This time it’s decided, you want to break your celibacy! You can choose: go out a little more with your friends, take salsa lessons… Or even get started on a dating site. Psychologists give you the keys to reach your goal and find the right partner on the Internet.
Take your time
You have decided to go for it! “Take your time”, recommend the psychologists. You’ve made a list of criteria on who you are and who you’re looking for, well done! Go further: Talk about your dream of a relationship, and meet a cougar. All shrinks say it: in the couple, there is you, him, and the relationship. “It is an entity in its own right,” insists our expert. Some people want to get into a relationship for fear of loneliness. Ask yourself if this is the case for you.
Create a profile in your image
Presenting yourself under your best profile is often the goal you set for yourself. The psychologists were able to observe certain recurring themes in the profiles. “Some Internet users put forward their physique. For others, especially when it comes to men, the factual dominate athletic, adoring travel”.
The advice: Think outside the box, you are not a consumer product seeking to please as many people as possible, but a unique, singular person. Indicate what characterizes you, assert your style, and don’t be afraid to reveal your vision of the relationship. You’ve thought about it, it must be clearer now.
Dating site: the contact phase
“It may happen that contact requests flow when submitting the profile,” comment the psychologists. Your new challenge: sorting contacts without getting lost. Stay relaxed and excited … Phew, you might have few or no answers (it happens). So that’s a positive point. You are in a dynamic of choice. There are issues, of course, your future partner may be there somewhere… But how do you know which one is the right one?