STOCKTON Council is hoping to retain around £300,000 in Government funding to enhance a major road improvement scheme planned for Ingleby Barwick.
In September 2013, the Council secured £3.3million from the Government’s Local Pinch Point Fund towards its part of wider scheme to ease congestion on the A174 in Thornaby.
But the scheme is currently around £300,000 under budget and the Council is hoping for permission to transfer the funds to a separate scheme to dual Myton Way.
If agreed, the Council plans to upgrade noise reduction measures along Myton Way when the work gets under way this summer.
Stockton Council Leader, Councillor Bob Cook, said: “I’m delighted that the A174 scheme is reporting such a significant under spend, which is testament to our highways engineers and our successful management of the risks associated with the scheme.
“But rather than return the money to Government, we have suggested that the Department for Transport should allow us to retain it so that we can enhance the Myton Way scheme, which is one of a number of major improvements we are planning to make to the highways network in the south of the Borough over the next two years.
“We are proposing to use the money to offer residents greater protection from traffic noise by upgrading the planned earth mound to a noise reducing fence that runs along the full length of the scheme, complemented by other environmental improvements.
“I am meeting the Secretary of State for Transport, Patrick McLoughlin, tomorrow and am hoping for good news.”