So now that you have attained your AWS certification, what next? First of all, keep in mind that an AWS certification only is not a guarantee that you will get a job. There are a couple of other factors that go into finding a job in the tech industry.
Recruiters and employers want to see more than just a piece of paper. They want to be sure that they are bringing the right person aboard. Here is how to get a job after AWS certification.
Research the organization you are applying for
So what do you say during an interview when the ‘what do you know about our company’ question is shot? Employers want to know how much you want to work for their company. They want to know how much you know about the company.
Make sure you do thorough research on their company. Get to know what technology they use, what they are doing right or wrong, where they need change or help, e.t.c.
Being able to answer these questions will prove to them that you are genuinely interested to work with them. They are the small details that count and make you stand out.
Find out what the employer is looking for
You have the certification, right? But that’s just a plus, not all that the employers are looking for.
Most of the time, they are always looking for experience. If you have the experience well and good, but what do you do if you are a fresher and don’t have the required experience?
Create your own experience
You can do this by creating your own sample projects on GitHub or creating AWS tutorials.
You can volunteer for a startup. This will go a long way as far as experience is concerned.
Get references
Put together a list of people who can vouch for you. This could be your former supervisors or colleagues.
Reach out to people you know in the industry. Let them know you are open to new career opportunities. They might be able to help you land your first job after certification.
Show curiosity and determination
Cloud technology is an ever-changing industry. Make sure your skillsetis up to date. The fact that you already have an AWS certification shows that you are curious. Don’t just stop there, go ahead and play with cloud applications.
Get more understanding, knowledge, and experience. The more you understand clouds application and services, the more you can discuss its elements, the higher the chances of getting employed.
Your Skills
IT and cloud is a broad industry. Don’t get confused about what your skills are. Make sure whatever area of IT you are applying for, the job description fits you.
Don’t give up
You might get rejected not once or twice in your applications. Whatever the case, learn not to give up and keep on keeping on. Work hard and the right opportunity will find you.