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ByDave Stopher

May 17, 2020

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a surgery that focuses on altering the shape and structure of one’s nose, through the modification of the bone or cartilage. This form of plastic surgery is very common and most sought-after.

Why Do People Undergo Rhinoplasty?

Some people have difficulty breathing (due to conditions like deviated septums), sustain injuries from accidents that leave their noses severely damaged, have medical conditions from birth, or are not happy with their looks, especially their noses. There are certain changes that a surgeon can perform on the nose; they include the following:

  • Size
  • Angle
  • Bridge line accuracy
  • Modification of the tip
  • Narrow formation of the nostrils

If you intend to have a nose job for your looks and not medical conditions, it is recommended that you wait till you have a fully grown nasal bone. For females, they would have to wait till they are 15, whereas males would have to wait until they are older than that. On the other hand, if you would be needing a nasal reconstruction due to breathing impairments, then it is best to get it done at an early age.

Risks You Should Know About Rhinoplasty

It is important to know that there are levels of risk in every surgery performed, including rhinoplasty. These risks include bleeding, infection, or a severe reaction to treatment. Here are some of the risks of rhinoplasty:

  • Numb nose
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Nosebleeds
  • Scars
  • Asymmetrical nose

It is commonplace to find patients unsatisfied with their nose jobs and opting for more options or a second surgery. In the case of the latter, the individual would have to wait until the nose is fully healed. Such a healing process may take up to a year.

Procedures Involved In Rhinoplasty

Depending on your preference, you may undergo rhinoplasty in a doctor’s office, hospital, or an outpatient surgical facility. Your surgeon may use either the general or local anaesthesia. For simple nose jobs, the anaesthesia will be administered to your nose, leaving your face numb. In some cases, surgeons also provide medication via an IV line that would leave you groggy, but awake. General anaesthesia is given to children.

When unconscious or numb, your surgeon will make incisions either inside or between your nostrils. Once these cuts are made, your skin is separated from the cartilage or bone, and then reconstruction begins. Whereby, there is a need to fill in a small amount of extra cartilage, a small part from the inner section of your nose or your ear cartilage will be removed to accomplish this task. However, if more is required, then an implant or a bone graft will be carried out.

Rhinoplasty takes about one to two hours, or more to carry out, depending on the complexity of the job. Once the surgery is over, a plastic or metal splint is placed on your nose, which will help it retain its new shape while you recuperate. Nasal packs or splints may also be placed inside your nostrils; this helps to hold your septum in place firmly.

If you would like to get in touch with a professional surgeon today for your nose job or rhinoplasty, please visit this link: https://entspecialistsingapore.com.