North East Connected

Appeal to pick up after your pooch

Screen Shot 2015-10-09 at 13.26.13A HARD HITTING campaign designed to make dog owners in Redcar & Cleveland think about their actions and pick up after their pet has been launched.

Images featuring the strapline ‘Pick up the poo before they do’ are being targeted at irresponsible dog owners to make them think about the consequences of not clearing up after their dog and to reinforce the message that their behaviour will not be tolerated.

Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, Cllr Helen McLuckie said:

“The majority of dog owners are responsible people, who pick up after their dog and dispose of the poo bags properly, however residents are sick of irresponsible dog owners and we wanted to make irresponsible dog owners think about the consequences of not clearing up after their pet.

Dog fouling can be harmful to people’s health and the campaign highlights how young people can be particularly put at risk by dog fouling.”

The campaign will see the council working in partnership with the community by taking measures to tackle dog fouling including:

Cllr Barry Hunt, Ward Member for Brotton added:

“I am delighted that the Council is getting serious about tackling dog fouling in the area as it is an issue I feel passionately about and have championed for a number of years.

Dog fouling is totally unacceptable and this campaign along with the additional measures being put in place to tackle the problem will help raise awareness and ensure the Council is doing all it can to support residents.

The Council is getting serious about dog fouling and now we want the public to work with us to tackle it, keep our streets clean and take pride in our neighbourhoods.”

To report dog fouling please call 01642 774774 or email

Fixed penalty notices will be handed out to people who don’t pick up after their dogs in a bid to put pressure on irresponsible owners.

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