Environmental Health Officers are warning landlords that cold homes are most definitely a turn off.
Research from Chartered Institute for Environmental Health shows homes rented from a landlord or letting agency are more likely to be poorly insulated and cold than those that are owner occupied.
“What people do not realise is that cold, damp homes can also affect your health,” said Paul Staines, Head of Service, Environment.
“Those who are more at risk are the elderly, children and those suffering with long term conditions. There is a direct relationship between low indoor temperatures and excess winter deaths.
“We are urging anyone living in rented accommodation whose heating system is not working properly or their heating bills are uneconomical or if they are suffering from condensation or mould growth, then to ring the district council who will be able to provide them with free, confidential and impartial advice.
“Legislation also exists to ensure all rented properties meet minimum standards of energy efficiency.”
From 2018 new Government proposals are stating that landlords will not be permitted to rent out their properties if they are not rated at E or above on the official Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).
For more information please contact Residential Services on Tel 01609 767138 or email joy Swithenbank Residential team leader on Joy.Swithenbank@hambleton.gov.uk