North East Connected

Double Anniversary for Auxillis

Peterlee based accident management company Auxillis celebrated 30 years of assisting motorists and its first full year since rebranding as Auxillis.

Friday 8th September saw over 600 team members at Auxillis’ Peterlee contact centre take part in the celebrations with a competitive Sports Day, BBQ and a range of other birthday activities and treats.

Birthday Celebrations Coordinator (and Head of Customer Experience) Lisa Turnedge was responsible for organising much of the event: “We wanted to mark the occasion of 30 years in the industry, by celebrating our amazing team. Without the hard work and commitment they show every day, we would not have been able to achieve the success we have. We’re also extremely proud to still have a couple of team members who have been with us from the very start!”

First launched in 1987 as NORMA, the company went on to become Albany Assistance in 1992. After its acquisition in 2004 by Bath based Redde plc (formerly Helphire Group plc), Albany firmly established itself as a high quality provider of accident management services to the insurance and automotive market. Before finally rebranding in September last year as Auxillis.

The company celebrated their growth from a small legal expenses company to become a market leader in accident management services, assisting over 300,000 motorists annually and a major local employer.

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