North East Connected

Five Signs You’re Vaping Enthusiast

Although many people enjoy vaping, some people take it way too seriously. And here are the signs for you to figure out if you’re finally a vaping enthusiast!

Vaping has been creating an enormous hype among all ages, typically teenagers and youngsters. Almost everybody loves it, and a party without vaping is a solid no. This triggers the producers to bring forth innovations every other day, and the smokers cannot help falling in love with every new product like veco tank

It’s been a while now, that we started coming across videos of youngsters vaping and making those cool rings. And in no time, it’s the talk of the town thrashing the social networking sites. 

You know the best smoke shops in town. And if you’re looking for a new one, go to a burn smoke shop near me Houston. You’re the one, people run back to when they need suggestions about the latest vapes and their flavours. Because you actually know way more than a normal person does! 

Moreover, while driving across the street, you can’t hold backstopping by it and heading in, to get something new! And then you regret spending that much by making such impulsive purchases. But you don’t mind that, after all, you love vaping.

Whereas normally people’s YouTube home page is full of music, funny clips, trailers, motivational speeches, and other stuff, your YouTube homepage is always filled with videos from vaping vloggers, this is a sign that you take vaping way too seriously. Are you obsessed with vaping vloggers like Jai Haze? You follow all of them or at least a few very religiously. 

In case the batteries of your cell phone and e-cig drain out at the same time, and there is a single plug, a normal person would definitely choose to get their phone charged first. But this other guy who’s a vaping enthusiast would choose to charge an e-cig before anything in this world, and it’s a no-brainer. You won’t have to think over it for a fraction of a second.

Whenever with friends, you’re the one everybody wants to show some tricks. And somehow you manage to win them every single time, leaving the people impressed. And some people who met you at a party for the first time, might not remember your name, but definitely remember you as the “vaping pro” at the party. 

If you’re the vaping guide in your friends’ circle, who knows every single flavour in the market and every product launched, you’re a vaping enthusiast for sure! You’re obsessed with trying out new flavours and keep ordering them. So people knowing this always turn back to you for the “expert advice”.  Would you still deny being a vaping enthusiast?

If you could relate to all of these signs or even a few of them, welcome to the vaping enthusiasts’ club! You’re somebody obsessed with vaping and can hardly survive a day without your vaporizer.

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