• Fri. Jun 28th, 2024

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

Get-together ideas for you and your friends

ByDave Stopher

Jun 24, 2024

Get-together ideas for you and your friends

Has it been a while since you last saw your friends? We know how difficult it can be to arrange plans as adults with jobs, homes and families getting in the way. According to a recent study, around 50% of Brits wish they could see their friends more

When you finally see your friends, you’ll want to make sure you’re spending quality time together to make lasting memories. That’s why we’ve put this handy guide together to make planning a fun get-together easy. 

If you have a date in the diary but aren’t sure what to do with each other, read below to find inspiration. 

Why is it important to regularly meet up with friends? 

Meeting up with your friends regularly is super important for the following reasons: 

  • It helps you build a strong support network 
  • It reduces stress and anxiety 
  • It boosts happiness and life satisfaction 
  • It increases confidence and self-esteem 
  • It provides mental stimulation that can lead to improved cognitive functionality 
  • It helps your relationships grow and ensures they last

What should my friends and I do at our next get-together? 

Play games 

Add an element of friendly competition to your get-togethers by playing games. The choice is yours when it comes to picking a game. Opt for a traditional board game, play the latest video game or go online for a spot of Deal or No Deal Bingo

Whatever you choose is sure to be a blast when everyone gets involved. We recommend choosing the game ahead of the meet-up, so you’re all prepared.

Cooking classes

If you’re a group of foodies, a cooking class could be the ideal activity to take on. These classes tend to be held almost every day of the week, so you can find one that fits your schedule. 

Plus, you can learn how to cook new cuisines and enhance your meal rotation in the future.

Go bowling

Relive your youth and go for a night of bowling. We believe you’re never too old to play this sport and it’s super easy to organise. Bowling alleys also tend to have extensive food menus, so you can enjoy some tasty meals while battling it out to become bowling champion.  

Quiz nights

If you believe you could be an epic pub quiz team, then why not test your knowledge? Find a quiz near you and enter. You may find that the prizes are great too and will encourage you to make this a more regular meeting. 

Watch a film at the cinema

Movie buffs should organise a trip to the cinema to catch the latest blockbuster. While you won’t talk much throughout the film, the build-up and discussions after it finishes are a wonderful experience.