North East Connected

Harrogate business group has new home for conversational networking.

A business group aimed at Harrogate and district firms has announced a new location as part of its growth plan.

1 and 3 Networking was launched in November 2022 and has quickly developed to become a popular choice for local businesses. Their new home is at Windsor House business centre, Harrogate, and meets for breakfast networking on the first and third Thursday of each month.

Founder Steve Simmonds explains: “We’re well established and have quickly grown a group for local businesses where the emphasis is on conversational networking. The idea is to help businesses of all sizes make new contacts, at our informal meetings, and develop business connections.”

Steve adds: “Business people who come along to 1 and 3 Networking are invited to provide an informal presentation, for a couple of minutes. They explain who they are and what they do as a business, along with the types of clients they are looking for. This often opens a broader conversation amongst the group with other members looking to understand more about their business and how they can help them.”

Co-founder Graeme Fountain says: “Our  group’s new location at Windsor House, Harrogate, is at the invitation of one of our members, Jonathan Rayfield, whose business DNA Business Engineering is based there. The premises are perfect for our sessions including a wonderful café area where we have fresh coffee and tea, along with breakfast sandwiches.

“1 and 3 Networking is well-liked by our guests. We’re a not-for-profit group, so there are no membership fees. Businesses simply register online and pay £15 for each session they would like to attend.

“We set out to create a light structure with conversational networking. It’s proving successful in helping business owners to get to know each other and find ways to help each other develop their businesses.”

Steve Simmonds concludes: “So far, 1 and 3 Networking has attracted a broad mix of local businesses, of all sizes, including technology start ups, manufacturers, pilates and yoga specialists, commercial finance and business coaches.

“We’re here to encourage a diverse network of businesses, so companies of all shapes and sizes are welcome to attend. Businesses who are interested in learning more can visit and can register online.”

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