North East Connected

Hospice choir prepares to perform again

A FLEDGLING choir is preparing to welcome the season in song.

Members of the newly formed St Teresa’s Hospice Staff and Supporters Choir are busy rehearsing for their first Spring Sing charity performance at the Darlington and Simpson Rolling Mills Club, Longfield Road, on May 25.

The 18-strong singing group, comprising hospice staff, volunteers and supporters, includes Alison Marshall, Carol Charlton, Christine Kane, Cyndi Hughes, Dorothy Creek, Helen McLeish, Jean Byrne, Julie Wright, Kate Culverhouse, Lucy Daynes, Lynne Wright, Margaret Garrett, Maureen Thompson, Narelle Boniface, Sue Skitt, Dave Myers, Clare Orr and Tola Adenuga.

It will perform a dozen musical numbers on the night and will be joined on stage by a special mystery artist.

St Teresa’s Hospice chief executive Jane Bradshaw said: “The Spring Sing will be our second public performance following our extremely successful appearance at the hospice’s Christmas Cracker concert last year where we performed to over 500 people.

“It is well known that singing is therapeutic and the choir has been a great release for many of our staff, who face high stress levels in their job roles, as well as it being a great team building exercise.

“Our choir really typifies what St Teresa’s is all about – many people doing a wide range of jobs all coming together in one harmonious group – as well, of course, as having lots of fun and raising much-needed funds for the hospice. We hope to see lots of people at the Rolling Mills Club supporting us at our Spring Sing.”

The choir, which will unveil its new name on the night, will be accompanied by hospice volunteer Peter Bradshaw on guitar and Carmel College student and volunteer James Hughes on bass.

Singer Julie Wright, 60, of Darlington, who has volunteered at the hospice for five years, said: “Joining the choir has been brilliant. It’s a lot of hard work learning all the songs but also great fun.

“It was such a buzz performing at the Christmas Cracker concert and when Jane asked if we wanted to continue as a group it was a resounding yes from everyone.”

St Teresa’s senior clinical services administrator Lynne Wright, 54, of Darlington, added: “I’ve worked at the hospice for the past 18 years and feel really privileged to be part of such a great organisation.

“I have seen on a daily basis how the hospice has helped people and have also experienced the other side as a service user as both my father and mother received care here at St Teresa’s.

“The hospice is such a valuable service and the choir has been a great addition to our fundraising efforts. I hope we get lots of audience participation at our Spring Sing and everyone enjoys a fabulous musical evening.”

Tickets for St Teresa’s Hospice Spring Sing, priced at £7, are on sale at the hospice, on Woodlands Road, Darlington, and at St T’s Superstore, McMullen Road. Wine and canapés will be served on arrival and dessert will be available during the interval.

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