A HOSPICE has been provided with more fundraising fizz thanks to the generosity of a favourite friend.
Long-time supporter of St Teresa’s Hospice Sherwoods Motor Group has sourced a top prize that will leave everyone green with envy.
The “fizz green” Peugeot 108 is one of ten generous prizes with which the much-loved hospice hopes to match last year’s impressive car draw total of £20,000.
Other prizes include an Iron Man Karting session at Teesside Karting for up to 10 people and annual membership of Catterick Racecourse for two people.
Once again, in-patient, day and community services at St Teresa’s Hospice will benefit from the proceeds of the annual draw as it strives to raise the £3m a year needed to continue its work.
An army of volunteers will spend the coming weeks selling the £1 tickets at venues including the hospice reception in Woodland Road, Darlington, supermarkets, Catterick Races and the St T’s charity shops and superstore. A full list of venues where the tickets will be on sale can be found at www.darlingtonhospice.org.uk.
Anyone wanting to help sell tickets can contact the hospice on (01325) 254321 or by emailing events@darlingtonhospice.org.uk.
All profits from the draw will go towards helping fund the hospice, which provides a raft of core services free of charge to support residents of Darlington, South Durham and North Yorkshire who are affected by life-limiting illness.
St Teresa’s Hospice chief executive Jane Bradshaw said: “It is a tough time for all charities so having such amazing prizes to offer for our annual draw really helps us raise the funds needed for us to continue helping the community.”
Chairman Harry Byrne added: “The support of the community is relentless. Every year our supporters go all over the region selling tickets and the public responds so generously, for which we are extremely grateful.”
Sherwoods chairman and Hospice honorary president Alasdair MacConachie said: “We have supported St Teresa’s Hospice for many years because we know just how valuable its work is, not just to the people who are ill but also their friends and families.
“Staff and volunteers work tirelessly to help these people at some of the most challenging times of their lives and it always staggers me to witness the atmosphere of good cheer and positivity which pervades this wonderful organisation.”
The draw will take place at Sainsbury’s, Victoria Road, Darlington, at 4pm, on Saturday March 28. Winners will be contacted, and a full list of winning ticket numbers will be published online at the Hospice website and Facebook page.