• Tue. Feb 25th, 2025

North East Connected

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Household poll on devolution agreed

203Residents eligible to vote in County Durham will be asked for their views on the North East’s devolution agreement via a postal vote next month (January 2016).

A pack, including information on the agreement from Government to the North East Combined Authority, and questions, both prepared by Durham University, together with detail on how to take part will be sent to all people registered to vote in the county.

The approach was agreed by Durham County Council members at a meeting of Full Council today (December 9) and will be funded from the council’s revenue contingency budget.

The proposed devolution agreement was negotiated with Government by the North East Combined Authority, which is made up of the seven councils covering Gateshead, Newcastle, North and South Tyneside, Northumberland, Sunderland and County Durham.

It would see decisions about transport, investment, funding, skills training, business support, housing and strategic planning being made in the North East instead of in London.

It would also bring an additional £30m a year over the next 30 years, which would be pumped into the regional economy through investment, job creation, transport improvement and more targeted skills training.

The proposed devolution agreement which has been signed is conditional on further public consultation, the Government’s spending review, legislation passing through Parliament and agreement by each of the seven councils in the Combined Authority.

The results of the poll in County Durham will not be binding but they will help to inform the county council’s decision.

Cllr Simon Henig, Leader of Durham County Council, said: “Consultation with residents is really important to us. It’s vital we understand how decisions affect people and the devolution agreement contains some really big changes for the region.

“It includes decisions about transport, investment, funding, skills training, business support, housing and strategic planning being made here in the region.

“However, the Government has since made it clear that any devolution agreements will also involve the creation of a regional elected mayor to oversee and be accountable for those decisions.

“I would therefore encourage everyone who is eligible to vote in the county to let us know what they think via this poll once they’ve received the information pack from mid-January.

“Responses can be made via post or online, with feedback brought to our Full Council meeting at the end of February.”

The questions devised by experts at Durham University are:

Tell us what you think….

The Devolution Deal would mean that more decisions about spending on public services would be made in the North East, rather than by the Government in London.

Do you think that devolving some power and resources to the North East would:

Be a step in the right direction?

Make little or no difference?

Be the wrong thing to do?

I don’t know

If we agree the Devolution Deal we would have to have a North East Elected Mayor. The Mayor would be directly elected by voters across the North East area and would chair the Combined Authority, made up of Council Leaders. It’s not yet clear how powerful the Mayor would be.  If the Deal goes ahead, how powerful should the Mayor be? Do you think the Mayor should be someone who:

Has quite a lot of power and influence – perhaps coming to be seen as someone who represents the voice of the North East area?

Has limited power and influence—someone who chairs the Combined Authority but does not have a major role representing the area?

I don’t know

The Devolution Deal would only cover some issues – some aspects of business support, post-16 education and training, transport, and housing.   If the Deal does go ahead, do you think we should then try to get additional powers and resources devolved to the North East?

No, I wouldn’t want to see more devolution 

I’m not sure — it depends, let’s wait and see

Yes, I would like to see more devolution

I don’t know

The Devolution Deal is intended to improve our economy and create more and better jobs. But do you think it will make much difference?  If the Deal does go ahead, do you think it will:

Help to bring more prosperity and more jobs to County Durham

Have little or no impact on prosperity and jobs in County Durham

Lead to less prosperity and fewer jobs in County Durham

I don’t know

The paper agreed by county council members today can be viewed here  http://democracy.durham.gov.uk/documents/s56870/NECA%20Referendum.pdf

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By admin