It’s not an easy thought when we’re still in the midst of summer, but soon enough winter will once again be upon us. If last year is anything to go by, we can certainly expect cold spells, high winds, and rainy days – not a huge surprise for the British Isles. But with uncertainty surrounding the current global markets and in particular the business energy sector, it’s important to be prepared for the winter ahead, especially if you own a business and manage a premises.
Protecting Business Premises From Extreme Weather
While long-term predictions and forecasts are difficult to make, it is important to prepare for extreme weather events, such as flooding, high winds and heavy snow, especially in areas where these weather conditions are regularly experienced throughout the winter months. The highlands of Scotland, rural areas and seaside towns, for example. Protecting your business premises is the first step in preparing for a cold winter.
Safety and Security
To ensure your premises are safe and can withstand bad weather conditions, consider protecting your buildings and ensure they are secure. This may include sealing gaps in your windows and doors, as well as upgrading the roof or ceiling to prevent leaks, both of water and heat or cold air.
Tackle Internal & External Hazards
Another step you can take to prepare your business for winter is to assess internal and external hazards. For example, outside areas that may become a risk with snowfall or ice, such as slopes or steps. Meanwhile internal areas could become cold and below the appropriate working temperature. This is especially common in industrial areas and back corridors and stairwells. These areas should be addressed and properly prepared for the incoming fall in our country’s temperature this winter.
Maintain & Service Your HVAC System
Now is also the perfect time to service your HVAC system for increased use this winter. Systems that provide heating to your office buildings, industrial areas and even customer-facing businesses should be assessed by a qualified technician to ensure they are safe to use and will provide adequate heating throughout winter.
Winter Business Energy Costs
Of course, aside from the general safety and security of your business this winter, you will also be considering the cost of energy usage. As winter cools down the country, thermostats will be switched on and internal temperatures within your business premises, be it a hotel, restaurant, office, will heat up. To ensure your customers are catered for and your employees’ wellbeing is addressed, your energy consumption will increase as winter hits. Therefore, now may be a good time to review your energy usage from winter 2023/2024 to review areas in your business where you could potentially cut back and save money.
Meanwhile, you may also wish to switch business energy suppliers, if there is potential to save you money. By doing so you could sign onto a fixed term contract at a lower rate than you are currently paying. However, be sure to check whether or not you are currently in debt to your current supplier and if you will have any surprise cancellation costs, if you do choose to switch suppliers early.
While it may seem early to start thinking about winter, it’s never too soon to begin preparing your business for what winter may bring. Whether it’s physical impacts to your business premises or financial concerns.