North East Connected

How to be a Good Parent and Keep Your Personal Life Active

Just because you are a single parent juggling your time between work, kids and looking after the home, it doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice your personal life. You can still meet up with friends and date. You aren’t just a parent. Before you had kids, you were independent, you used to do what you wanted and meet who you wanted. Now, while you do have children to consider there are ways to manage dating as a single parent. You shouldn’t have to give up on a personal life because you are a parent. Being happy in yourself will make you happier all round and everyone benefits from that.

How to Date as a Single Parent

It may seem like a tall order. How are you supposed to date when you barely have enough time to do everything else, let alone go out looking for someone to date? Well, that is where online dating comes into play. Dating sites can give you a lot of opportunities from a simple chat to spending time finding serious relationships. is a great example that provides both – ease of the one nightstand communication and the possibility to find your SO. All you need to do is get online, create your profile then spend time browsing the personals of potential dates to find what you want.

Rules of Single Parents’ Dating

What are the rules when it comes to single parent dating? In the first instance, you need to decide what you want. Are you looking for a partner or do you just want to have fun? Perhaps you like your set up at home and don’t want anything to change that. That said, you can’t help who you fall in love with and you may find that life changes as you meet the right one. For the time being consider these rules:

When is the Right Time to Tell Your Child You Are Dating Someone?

This can be tricky and can often depend on your particular circumstances. If you have older children, they are more likely to understand what dating means. They may not like it. If you have not long separated, it can be hard for children and a more final sign that their parents have separated. It is not so difficult with younger children who don’t really understand. It is important, before you tell them anything, that you ascertain if this is a relationship that is going somewhere. No need to tell your children anything that may upset them if this is not something that will last. When you are ready, and sure in your own mind, then choose your time carefully and be prepared to answer lots of questions or deal with the outcome. Perhaps you need to introduce this person in conversation for a while before you introduce them in person.

Just because you have kids, doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t date. You have a life to lead too and need to have fun, taking time out for yourself. Take your time and choose your dates carefully and be sure of what you want before you start dating. Of course, you could meet someone really important and this may change but in the first instance, have fun and enjoy yourself.

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