North East Connected

How We Should Thank God for A Blessed Journey in Life

Life has different phases. We get overwhelmed by the things that remind us how special and appreciated we are. Bad moments are telling us that living is the most daunting task that any human being should endure. Unending hardship, frustration, depression, and failure are just some of the reasons why most people are skeptical about the existence of God and end up surrendering. 

Some people would say that things are beyond our control. It is beyond human capabilities to control or create our own fate. All the journeys we took, and we will encounter are part of God’s plan. But due to the constant suffering, some people blamed and cursed God, and worst denied His existence. But the truth is, we should be thankful for those negative experiences. It is God’s way of telling you that life without hardships is not worth living. It is God’s way of making you fully equipped for the next journey you will encounter. 

Every day is a form of blessing. As long as we wake up in the morning and the sun hits our soul, it is another chance for hope and another day to thank God. Communication is the healthiest way to build a genuine and undying relationship with God. Still, due to our busy schedules and everyday errands, we sometimes forget how to thank God for the daily blessings. 

To guide your soul and help you find the brightest lighthouse of undying love, here are the simple ways on how to thank God for your journey. Whether you are now situated at the top of the world, or now sitting in the cup of gold, these ways will bring your feet to the ground: 

Spread the Goodness of God

Spreading the news and goodness of God is one of your primary duties as His disciple. Your act of gratitude by providing service and your everyday prayers would be best associated with spreading God’s goodness in the entire world. 

Start with your family, friends, and a small community. This will be your starting ground to show to the world how thankful and privileged you are in following the path that He designed for you. If you still have questions on how to start and doubt your actions, you can visit for complete guidance on how to live a Christian life. 

Even When You Have Trouble Counting God’s Blessings, Be Thankful for His Love

God’s genuine and incomparable love is more than enough to show every day that you are wholeheartedly thankful to Him because love is already a blessing. Never count your blessings based on material things. Life doesn’t run that way. In the end, what we truly have is solely our human being; material things are just temporary happiness. The true infinity lies within our soul. 

Psalm 118:29 says: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” The only thing that matters and the single lasting gift we received is His love. It’s not the material aspects or the position we dream of, but the love He has freely given to us. 

Keep Open Line Communication Everyday

The Bible says that we should thank Him every day for all the gracious things he provided for us. Communication between you and God is an excellent source of prosperity. Always communicate and tell Him how thankful you are as His disciple. Whether you are in the construction area, school building, conference room, or in fast food, always talk to the Almighty. 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” The Bible emphasizes how we should show our gratitude towards God as part of His will. 

Showing Gratitude by Act of Service

The offering of service to others is one of the significant ways of showing how thankful you are to the blessings that you receive every day. It is a form of giving back to the children of God, which will keep your feet on the ground when billions of blessings already shower you.  

Giving of service doesn’t solely mean that you are offering food for those fortunate ones. You can also show your gratitude by sharing your talents with those aspiring individuals who want to pursue their dreams and follow your path. You will serve as the most gleaming star that will encourage them to reach their goals. You are the star that will tell them that someday, they will have their own version of gleam.


The blessed journey starts with faith. It is you who should implant first the faithfulness and loyalty within your heart. Your soul will be more than beautiful if we appreciate every blessing we receive every day and be thankful for it. The sun wakes us up in the morning, but it is the love of God that makes that morning alive. 

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