• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub


ByDave Stopher

Jun 23, 2018

Rockliffe Hall’s Old Hall Food and Beverage Manager, Jatin Parmar, has been named as just one of three finalists for the coveted Réunion des Gastronomes President’s Award.

Jatin, 38, who oversees the running of Rockliffe’s flagship restaurant, The Orangery, is the only person on the shortlist to work outside London. He joined the five red star resort last Summer having previously worked at some of the country’s top restaurants including Sat Bains in Nottingham and L’Enclume in Cumbria. Originally from Mumbai, Jatin moved to the UK in 2003. His wife, Soniya, also works at Rockliffe Hall, in one of the resort’s other restaurants, The Brasserie.

This is the second year of the award scheme from the Gastronomes, believed to be the oldest culinary organisation in the UK. Jatin and the other two finalists will attend the 100th Annual Banquet at Draper’s Hall in November, at which the winner will be announced. 

Jatin says: “I am honoured to have been shortlisted for this sought-after award and pleased to help fly the flag for the North. I’m really looking forward to the banquet and prize giving later this year and am keeping my fingers crossed to bring the award back for Rockliffe Hall.”

“We interviewed our six shortlisted candidates and were very impressed with all of them,” said Alison Frith, Vice President, and member of the judging panel. “It was encouraging to note that we were unanimous in our choice of the final three this year. We have a truly stellar line up of highly experienced hospitality professionals, all with very strong track records. I fear the next decision will be far more difficult!”

The winner will receive invitations to attend five further Gastronomes events in the following year and will benefit from mentoring and networking opportunities throughout their membership. In addition, the winner will be given Associate membership of the Réunion des Gastronomes for up to two years. 

“The total prize value for the winner is believed to be worth in excess of £3000,” says Wallace Vincent, Gastronomes President and a member of last year’s panel, “but the mentoring and potential career enhancement offered as part of the prize is priceless”.

The judging panel comprises: Alison Frith, managing director of Artizian Catering Services; hospitality consultant Theresa Maw; Serge Pradier, general manager at the Institute of Directors and immediate past president of the Réunion and John Cousins, the chair of the judges, Director of The Food and Beverage Training Company.

