North East Connected

Joanna Trollope at Middlesbrough Library

Screen Shot 2015-08-03 at 09.30.03Book-lovers in Middlesbrough will have the chance to meet highly acclaimed author Joanna Trollope who is visiting Middlesbrough Reference Library to talk about her writing.

Joanna, who is a trustee of the National Literacy Trust, will be discussing her two most recent books, Balancing Act and The Soldier’s Wife as well as her update of Jane Austen’s novel Sense and Sensibility at Middlesbrough Central Library on Monday, September 14.

The best-selling author’s visit is made possible thanks to the support of the Booker Prize Foundation. Joanna will visit the town to find out more about the National Literacy Trust Hub, which runs the Middlesbrough Reading campaign. The Hub aims to raise literacy levels in the area with targeted innovative programmes as well as the wider community projects.

The Hub collaborates with a range of partners including James Cook University Hospital. There, Joanna will tour the children’s wards and neonatal unit where reading packs are being distributed to families by volunteers.

This initiative is run in partnership with Middlesbrough Council Public Health’s Extra Life programme in the children’s wards and supported by Bliss, the charity for premature babies and their families, and Walker books in the neonatal unit. The project aims to promote reading for enjoyment among children and encourage parents and carers to read to their new born babies while they are in hospital. The volunteers offer parents and carers tips on how to support their child’s literacy development and information on library membership.

Joanna will also visit Hemlington Children’s Centre in Cass House Road, Middlesbrough, to meet the volunteers involved in the National Literacy Trust’s Early Words Together programme which empowers parents to support their child’s early learning.

Joanna Trollope said: “I am hugely looking forward to visiting Middlesbrough to talk about the inspiration behind my novels, answer questions and give tips to budding writers.

“This will be a fantastic opportunity to learn how the National Literacy Trust Hub in Middlesbrough is changing lives by building literacy support throughout the community, and to meet the dedicated staff and volunteers as well as the families and children they support.”

Allison Potter, Manager of the National Literacy Trust Hub in Middlesbrough said: “This event is a real treat for Joanna Trollope fans in and around Middlesbrough who will be able to get an exciting insight into her writing  which so many of us have enjoyed reading.

“I’m looking forward to giving Joanna the chance to meet some of the children and families whose lives are being transformed by the hard work of the staff and volunteers who run programmes for the National Literacy Trust Hub in Middlesbrough.”

Joanna Trollope will be at Middlesbrough Central Library on Monday, September 14 2015 at 7pm. Tickets cost £5 and can be purchased from any Middlesbrough Library or by calling 01642 729002.

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