Residents are invited to Move More in the Dolphin Centre as part of a national Technogym campaign.
Let’s Move for a Better World is a global campaign, launches today, Tuesday 1 March and runs until Saturday 19 March, to help encourage residents to move more, change sedentary lifestyles
The Dolphin Centre has signed up to take part in the challenge, encouraging gym users to visit the gym and move more.
The challenge launched in the Dolphin Centre today, Tuesday 1 March will feature live DJ sessions to provide a party atmosphere and plenty of motivation. There will be further DJ sessions, prize giveaways and entertainment throughout the three week challenge, so pop along to the Dolphin Centre gym and join in the fun.
To join in with the challenge, simply visit the Dolphin Centre gym, enjoy your exercise session and as you move, the ‘moves’ you make will be recorded, added to a total for the centre for the day and submitted to the Lets Move More challenge centre daily over the challenge period. At the end of the challenge period a total will be calculated and the winning venue announced.
Mike Crawshaw, Head of Leisure and Culture Services said: “It’s so exciting to be part of this National challenge for a 3rd year. Last year our gym users had lots of fun clocking up their moves and we hope to welcome our regulars and new users to the gym to clock up many this year. We were pleasantly surprised to finish 2nd in the whole of the country last year – it would be great to at least equal this result again this year, if not better it! Let’s aspire to climb to no 1 by acquiring the most moves – please come along and join in the fun and at the same time, embrace a more active lifestyle.