North East Connected

Have a merry green Christmas Don’t be a Waster – Reduce, Reuse, Respect campaign

This month’s focus for Ryedale District Council’s Don’t be a Waster – Reduce, Reuse, Respect campaign is all about having a merry green Christmas.

Christmas wrapping paper and Christmas cards, extra glass jars and bottles and tins can all be recycled locally or taken to North Yorkshire County Council’s Household Waste Recycling Centres.

These are located at;

The average home produces around a tonne of rubbish every year – that’s a lot of rubbish. As well as kerbside collections, residents can dispose of a range of rubbish at North Yorkshire County Council run Household Waste & Recycling Centres.

Ryedale District Council also operates town centre mini recycling centres that can take glass, paper, cardboard, cans and plastic bottles.

Councillor Luke Ives, Chairman of the Council’s Policy and Resources Committee, commented, ““Christmas and the New Year is a time when we all produce a lot of extra waste, through packaging, cards and decorations, so it’s really important that  Ryedale residents know what, how and where they can recycle their extra waste and re-use where they can.”

“Recycling Christmas trees is an important part of this.  Trees can be taken to any Household Waste Recycling Centre where they will be sent for composting or they can be added to brown garden waste bins (chopped down to fit in!) for collection when garden waste collections restart in March next year.”

“While Christmas can be a time when we over indulge I would like to take this opportunity to encourage residents to recycle, reduce and reuse as much of their extra waste that’s produced at this time of year.”

For details of the waste and recycling collections over the Christmas period please visit the website, like Ryedale DC on Facebook or follow @RyedaleDC on Twitter to find out more.

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