North East Connected

More children than ever starting school ready to learn

s300_IS_38272018_early_yearsNew figures published today (13 October 2015) reveal more 5-year-olds than ever before are achieving the expected standards in maths and literacy – meaning more children are on the path to success during their first year of school.

Statistics show that more than two-thirds of children aged 5 are making good progress against the early years foundation stage profile – a framework for the early years (under 5s) which ensures all children are prepared and ready for school and life.

As a result of this government’s commitment to higher standards in every setting, today’s figures show that an extra 38,600 number of 5-year-olds are reaching the expected level of development in maths and literacy, as well as in prime areas of personal, social and emotional development, physical development and communication and language.

This means they can count to 20, describe weight and shapes in everyday language, write their own name and read simple sentences, as well as play confidently with their friends – skills which are vital to fulfilling their potential.

Education and Childcare Minister, Sam Gyimah, said:

We know that the first few years of a child’s life are vital in terms of how well they go on to do at school and beyond.

It is great news that more children than ever before are achieving the expected level of development in the early years, because parents should be confident that while their children are out of their care, they’re not only happy and having fun, but at the same time developing important skills – building confidence with numbers and letters – to ensure they fulfil their potential.

In 2012, the government introduced a more rigorous early years foundation stage profile which reduced red tape to enable professionals and parents to work together on the key areas of learning that are most essential for children’s readiness for future learning and healthy development

The early years foundation stage profile figures also show:

This government is committed to raising the bar and improving the care children receive. That is why we have introduced a number of initiatives to ensure that those who care for our children have extra support to help. These include:

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