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Perinatal Software: A Boon or A Bane?

ByDave Stopher

Nov 5, 2019 #health, #kids

With changing lifestyles, hospitals are investing in newer technology to streamline their workflow. In obstetric wards, installing perinatal software and monitors have become a trend in the past few years. Perinatal software keeps an eye on the health of the fetus and pregnant women, which gives the physicians an idea about the complication that may arise during the perinatal period.

Various hospitals around the world are focusing on installing this software on their premises. Cloud-based software or web-based software are rigorously gaining popularity. On-premise models contribute to a lot of operational costs in the form of power, air conditioning, and administration costs, amongst the others. In contrast, cloud solutions are extremely affordable for smaller businesses. These products have led to the quick adoption of electronic medical record software in obstetrics and gynecology medical practices, and recently, many on-premise vendors have started migrating to this technology.

Let’s see some pointers as to why this solution is the need of an hour.

  • Improvements in Technology

The advancements in technology have led to a quality provision of patient care. Major manufacturers of this software are aiming to develop advanced software and innovative devices.

  • High Benefits

This software provides clinical information about the health of the fetus and pregnant women. The advanced software can provide 3-D perinatal images. Perinatal software can improve the effectiveness and management of the pregnancy by identifying the complexity that may arise during the prenatal period. The continuous improvements in the software have driven the demand for the perinatal software. Find out more about such healthcare software at Uncoverthecure.org.

  • Increasing Birth Rates and Postdate Pregnancy

The birth rate and postdate pregnancy rate across the globe are continuously increasing. In 2016, the birth rate around the world was estimated to be about 4.3 births/second or about 256 births/minute, of which only 20% of deliveries occur on predicted time. Also, out of all the stillbirth deaths that happen in the world, more than 90% occur in developing countries and low-income countries.

Apart from the benefits, you have to focus on the disadvantages as well:

  • High Cost of the Software

The clinical perinatal software is costly, and small, and the majority of medium-sized hospitals cannot afford it. Most of the deliveries occur in middle-sized clinics and hospitals.

  • Complexity in Operating the Software

Operating clinical perinatal software needs well-skilled personnel. Perinatal software is very complex to handle, and physicians are unable to process it. Besides this, the software must meet the regulatory requirement of the supervisory authority.

  • Side Effects

There are many lawsuits filed against hospitals because a pregnant woman suffered from side effects due to rays of the monitor leading to miscarriages. The harmful rays can hinder the growth of the baby and harm the well-being of the mother.

Whether you a pregnant woman or an establishment planning to invest in this technology, you have to do proper research and take reviews from people who have undergone the process for making an ideal decision.