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North East Connected

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Project tackles anti-social behaviour in Bishop Auckland


Apr 22, 2018 #Bishop Auckland

Reports of anti-social behaviour in Bishop Auckland are falling thanks to partnership work between the council and police.

The project, which has benefitted from funding from Durham County Councillor Joy Allen through her neighbourhood budget, enables the police to provide targeted activity in priority areas in the town centre.

Neighbourhood budgets for the area are delivered through Bishop Auckland and Shildon AAP.

Cllr Joy Allen said: “Following concerns raised by local residents and businesses about increasing levels of anti-social behaviour, we have been working closely with the police and partners to identify problems and potential solutions.

“A comprehensive multi-agency action plan has been developed that is already delivering results and reports of anti-social behaviour have reduced significantly.”

The funding is being used to provide distraction activities, engagement and education opportunities for young people in the town.

Durham Constabulary Inspector Andy Reeves said: “We are delighted to receive this funding to support the ongoing project in Bishop Auckland which will make a real difference in diverting people away from anti-social behaviour.

“I would encourage any charities or other groups who may have some engagement ideas to contact myself or my team on andy.reeves@durham.pnn.police.uk so we can consider them.”

By admin