If you search on the internet you will discover truckloads of tips on how the perfect website should be designed. It is largely due to the fact the design is a subjective matter and opinions can differ greatly on what makes an ideal website. However, there is no denying the fact that the design of the website is among the most important factors for the success of online businesses. The design and aesthetics of a website go a long way in forming the all-important first impression about the credibility of the business. Consequently, there is a huge impact of the website design on the bounce rate and conversions. Some website design and development tips that have been scientifically proven to be effective:
Make the Site Loading Speed a Top Priority
It is well known that the speed of loading of a website is among the top factors that dictate whether a web surfer will stay on the site or abandon it for another. The ability of a website to load fast has assumed even more importance because over half of the traffic is nowadays generated by users on mobile devices, typically when they are on the go or multitasking, often in less-than-ideal conditions. According to Forbes, web developers should be careful about optimizing both the desktop and mobile versions of the site because page rankings are separate for both. If the website loads slowly, not only will visitors be frustrated when they click on the URL but also, they are less likely to discover it on the search engine result page due to its poor rank. To speed up the website, you need to optimize the image size, minimize the size of the files, discontinue the use of Flash, avoid complicated designs and themes, reduce the use of widgets and embedded media as well as ensure that your site is hosted on a fast server.
Take Advantage of the Fold
Whether the concept of the fold still has validity is a matter of debate at a time when there are so many screen sizes. However, even today according to studies, as many as 57% of visitors restrict their browsing to contents above the fold, and only 26% going beyond the first couple of screens. With this kind of visitor behavior, you should think hard about the kind of content you put above the fold so that you can use the space in the best manner to hook users for an extended stay. One of the best ways you can do it is by using headlines that are clear and descriptive so that users can get to know that the site delivers and how users can benefit. Be sure to use your principal call to action so that you can encourage visitors to embark on their conversion journey. Ensure that the CTA is loud and clear. More than text; try to use images, videos, or even soundtracks to grab the attention of the visitor.
Don’t Overwhelm Users with a Large Choice
According to an interesting study on customer behavior, it was found that the larger the number of choices given to an individual, the longer they take to decide. This is because most people try to include all the options into their consideration set and then become confused. This may sound contrary to the popular belief that you can appeal more to visitors by offering them the largest possible menu of options; however, you are likely to be able to boost your conversions by reducing the number of choices that you offer to your visitors. Some of the things you can do are to reduce the number of items in the menu, limit the form fields, highlight only a single CTA, and display on the social media buttons for the platforms you have an active presence. It is also a good idea to have only one goal per webpage so that users don’t feel overwhelmed.
Keep the Design Simple
Even if you are attracted to the idea of making your website look cool with complicated design, it has been proven by a Google study that website visitors do not like visual complexity. The more complicated your website design, the less are the chances that your visitors will find it appealing. It means that you should try to rethink the inclusion and placement of all the visual elements so that visitors do not have any trouble focusing on the most important content. Some of the tactics that have already been found to be effective, according to a leading web design agency include rethinking the concept of a sidebar as it often comes across as a needless distraction for visitors. Rather, a single-column design of the webpage puts more emphasis on the content they need to focus on. When you depart from a standard layout, the lack of familiarity distracts visitors and while they try to get to terms with the layout, they often get confused and forget what they had come to the site for.
Forget About Using Carousels
Carousels for presenting multiple pieces of content are a great favorite of website developers and content marketers. Quite a few studies testify to the fact the carousels offer more engagement than photos. However, research by Notre Dame University has uncovered the surprising fact that while the first carousel slide received close to 90% of the clicks, the rest were generally ignored. It means that as a device for distributing content, carousels are not as effective as people always thought them to be. A similar problem has been found to exist in tabs and accordions. The marketer’s problem is compounded by the fact that most visitors don’t even bother to read the full webpage, preferring instead to rapidly scan the page, and in the process, miss out on clicking their way to more content.
Website design and development are quite complex because not only do you need to take into account the demands of the business but also visitor preferences in addition to multiple on-page and off-page factors. However, the factors discussed above like site loading speed, optimizing the use of the fold, reducing choices to boost conversions, and thinking twice about using carousels can help.