North East Connected

School Improvement Strategy Approved

A STRATEGY for school improvement has been approved by a meeting of Middlesbrough Council’s Executive.

The School Effectiveness Strategy (SES) will become the authority’s key policy for how it supports, challenges, monitors and intervenes in schools in the town and also in how it celebrates success.

The SES has been developed on the back of recommendations for improvement from Ofsted following their report on the authority published in March this year which found it ineffective in providing support to schools.

Consultations on the SES have been held town-wide with all head teachers, governors, Middlesbrough College and other key education stakeholders, along with elected members.

A key part of the SES is the introduction of a Secondary School Improvement Partnership, which will bring in subject expertise in English, Maths and Science to support all secondary schools and academies with the aim of achieving rapid improvements in attainment.

The Partnership will be funded through a one-off spend of £536,700 from unspent grants, in agreement with head teachers through the local Schools Forum.

A new post of Head of Achievement will also be created from existing budgets within the Council’s Wellbeing, Care and Learning (WCL) department, to deliver the strategy and provide a stronger focus on the Council’s strategic role in challenging school performance and championing the entitlement of all Middlesbrough learners to a high quality education.

Councillor Jan Brunton, Middlesbrough Council’s Executive Member for Education and Skills, said: The document articulates our shared principles and ambitions, our priorities, how we work with partners and our approach to support and intervention.

“Adopting the SES as the Council’s key policy and procedure gives us a clear framework for ensuring improvements in education in the town.”

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