• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

North East Connected

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Scottish Government Appoints North East Biomass Experts for Energy Sector Support

North East biomass experts, re:heat, have been appointed by the Scottish Government and Forestry Commission Scotland, to provide Scottish energy users with the most comprehensive, up-to-date advice regarding low-carbon, environmentally-friendly alternatives.

The company, based in Alnwick, Northumberland, has years of experience helping businesses of all sizes convert from fossil-based energy systems to sustainable, low-carbon, biomass heat and power systems. This latest project, which fully supports the biomass sector in Scotland, sees re:heat provide impartial technical and specialist commercial information to users via the Wood Fuel Support Service (WFSS) as well as operate an associated email and telephone enquiry service.

Following rapid sector growth, WFSS was set up to support and ensure new, aspiring and well established biomass businesses, as well as end users, had access to the most current, accurate and useful details available. The Government therefore required a highly reliable and knowledgeable team to monitor and advise upon industry developments and the latest changes in the field, and appointed re:heat following a competitive tender process.

Steve Luker, who manages re:heat’s Scottish office and is also running the WFSS service commented, “The biomass sector is steadily gaining a bigger market across the country and there are many exciting opportunities for new businesses to start up, for existing businesses to expand and for end users to benefit from low carbon heat or power.

“Our main focus is on commercial heat, district heating and Combined Heating and Power (CHP) and we provide impartial sign posting, technical and market information that helps end users and the biomass sector to maximise and capitalise on their opportunities. The website is a great resource and we look forward to working with the sector.”

Made up of a team of experts from a variety of backgrounds, re:heat has been part of the UK wood energy industry since the earliest days and works with national and European clients on all aspects of biomass energy.

The company was appointed by the Scottish Government and Forestry Commission Scotland on the back of its extensive experience, diverse portfolio of work and in-depth knowledge ofevery aspect of biomass which ranges from growing and processing of wood fuel through to the specification, installation and operation of wood-fired boilers for all purposes.

re:heat founder, Neil Harrison, added, “Bringing and keeping this unique resource up-to-date is invaluable in terms of informing and advising anyone interested in converting to biomass or if working in the field, on how to proceed.

“As well as Scotland, much of the information will be of use around the country so the website is definitely worth visiting for anyone with questions relating to the biomass industry.

“We are delighted to have been chosen to manage the service and are looking forward to sharing the knowledge we have gained through our years in the business with a much wideraudience.”

In addition to the website, the WFSS responds to enquiries, runs events and also produces a newsletter to help the sector to network and share knowledge and expertise. Find out more about what the website has to offer by visiting www.usewoodfuel.co.uk re:heat was founded in 2011 by Neil Harrison and Ben Tansey, both of whom had already accrued a breath of experience in their former jobs before joining up to launch the business.

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